Hey friends, good to reach back out to you today!
So over the years, our team has been asked why we discontinued our Haymaker overdrive.
A popular….(well, critically acclaimed at least)..or maybe more accurately, a really well liked pedal by artists ranging from Kyle and James in All Get Out to Patterson Hood of Drive By Truckers, we made Haymakers from 2014-2018. We thought this would be the last overdrive pedal you’d ever need, the last one we’d ever have to make, and thankfully, we were wrong about that.
We learned a great deal from making this pedal and we hope you enjoy it. They’re still out there, they sound great and work well, and we still fix ’em if you ever have a problem. We have two refurbished ones in special, rare colorways that we’re putting up for sale to our mail list followers first, and if these things do float your boat, who knows…maybe we’d make more one day. As Kevin Garnett says….
Enjoy the video.
The two pedals for sale to our mailing list followers are serial number 206 (in black with gold print) and serial number 394 (in sand with cream print). The black ones were originally sent just to Japan and Australia, with a couple units kept here for friends. The sand ones were a limited batch that went to the UK if I remember correctly, and then when we wanted to make more, our supplier changed the powder coating process and we couldn’t get them! We’ve tested and can confirm they’re good, they have the mode A correction mod (jumper on R10), and we’ll warranty support them.
These are both available for $169.99 each, shipped in the USA. International ship charges will be invoiced to the buyer if necessary. SOLD OUT

You asked, so we’re answering. You may have seen the “Blue Screen of Death” pedals available from our friends at Relic Music and thought “but wait – I already bought a Megabyte. Can you make mine like that?” We sure can. You may have seen our Alpha Gain release on April Fool’s (but it was real) and wondered “could they convert my Icarus to that?” We sure can (like we did in the photo)! Or maybe you have an older school Caroline pedal like the V1 Icarus or Olympia and you want to know if we can tweak them to something approaching V2 versions. We can….try!
Our current mods available are the following:
*convert your existing Megabyte to BSOD, with external tap tempo and re-voiced havoc “brake” control: $45
This adds an external tap tempo control (but not a MIDI clock input) and a control to the side of the pedal that controls the speed and intensity of the havoc runaway when you hold down the tap/havoc button. You can set it to just infinitely hold, hover on the edge of implosion, or quickly blast off. The BSOD pedals at Relic Music already have these mods, look super cool, and Relic is a rad store worth supporting! But if you already have a Megabyte, we can add these for you.
*convert your Icarus V2 to Alpha Gain voicing and options, including switch: $35
This widens the range of your Icarus pedal! If your Icarus is working for you, it ain’t broke – but if you want to tweak it for both less and more, this is for you. With the extra switch in the “up” position, it adds about 3X the available gain and rolls off a little bit of low end for more of a classic overdrive pedal sound. In the “down” position it is voiced for similar range and output as the Parabola’s preamp voicing – full range, milder gain and drive, and SO much bass. As in “all your bass are belong to us.” In the down position it will make a 1×12 cab sound like a 2×12, and a 2×12 amp sound like a 4×12.
*convert your CROM to “Lava Rock” gain levels and voicing for the ‘non-turbo’ side and improve overall clarity: $35
If you’re looking to just flip turbo on and off based on recording sessions and rooms, but keep that kind of liquid saturation, this is for you. This changes your CROM’s non-turbo side to a gain level that’s less “crunchy fuzzy-drive” and more overtly a distortion. We replace the diodes, emitter resistor, and adjust the tone control, along with a resistor in series in the gain staging. Turbo side should remain about the same. This basically makes the non-turbo side very similarly voiced to the Turbo, but with just a bit clearer of bass and slightly less gain.
*other mods: MARKET PRICE no tap tempo on Kilobytes, but maybe havoc adjustment. Shigeharus with different gain levels – also possible! Email me for quotes and ideas.
You can email us via our contact page and ask us for a MOD form, and we’ll take your pedal and get it right as rain. Return shipping is included in the USA. International shipping charges will apply in addition to parts and labor. And yes, the modded pedals will have the shiny cool “Caroline Factory Mod” sticker on them 🙂
Thank you for supporting our work and being awesome.