Dreamed, designed, and created at our small batch distortery™ in Columbia, South Carolina.

*SOLD OUT* Joyeux Bastille Day – LA PIZZA DE FRANCE

July 14, 2021

*SOLD OUT* Thank you again!

Today is a very special day!
Happy Bastille Day! Nous vous présentons…LA PIZZA DE FRANCE!

Featuring intentionally mismatched silicon transistors. Why? That’s a philosophical question best left to the man sitting at the cafe with the thin mustache, a cigarette, an espresso, and lots of time on his hands. The sounds? MAGNIFIQUE. Ripping, zipping, fat and nasty. Like Pizzas sound! oui oui!


The charcuterie plate sets the input voltage of the guitar attack. The sparkling wine (champagne if you are playing the pedal in the Champagne region of France) controls the power supply to the transistors.

And the festive beret lets the world know that yeah, you might be visiting the Eiffel Tower with your annoying family, but you are still game to party.

We will be taking a portion of these sales proceeds and fulfilling a wish from this site, One Simple Wish, which takes requests from current and former children in foster care across the country.  I encourage those of you interested in this pedal who cannot afford one or missed out on one at this time to consider a donation to their site and spreading the word.

*international price includes our USPS Priority shipping estimate – thank you

Thank you for letting us make cool and silly things from time to time. We knew some of you were disappointed that you missed out on the American Pizzas, so we hope this makes it up to you.

We’re gonna take a moment to grow up a bit and pause on making silly pizzas for a while after this, so I hoped you’ve enjoyed them.

a bientôt – Philippe