Dreamed, designed, and created at our small batch distortery™ in Columbia, South Carolina.


June 17, 2019

THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. We sold out of these in less than a day. The last handful after we went public with this sold out in an hour. This is even after I messed up the purchase link when we first went live – you all were incredibly patient and kind. Please feel free to visit our contact page and ask to be on our mailing list if you aren’t already on it for future limited charity releases like this one. We have the coolest customers in the world and we will always keep the faith and do our best for you. Thank you. – Philippe  

You all have been a very patient bunch. We didn’t think that we would have a test piece to show at NAMM, but somehow we did. We went through a couple more iterations to get this right, and here we are! We are proud to present this limited advance release of our SOMERSAULT Lo-Fi Modulator with some other excellent goodies.

So here’s what happens with an advance purchase of the Somersault: first, you’ll get one of the special limited number of black and lavender pedals with the rainbow depth. You will also receive a limited edition t-shirt with art by the fabulous @the_mane_b, and one of our fantastic limited “Lumberg” coffee cups (pictured below).

We’ll also proudly make a donation from the sales proceeds of each pedal to The Trevor Project. The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25. Our goal is to raise $2,000, but we plan on going past that. Thanks to our friends in Datachoir and Old Blood Noise Endeavors for telling us about this organization and getting the ball rolling with their own fundraiser.






I can’t lie. This thing sounds fantastic, looks great, and we’ve been having a LOT of fun with it. Sometimes we just dial up silly little things. Other times we play every chorus/vibrato sounding song we know. And on occasion we have it barely on and just love how it seems to widen the sound. This has been fun to make real and we hope you get to enjoy it as much as we have been. But talk is cheap.  You want to see and hear it, right?

This pedal uses a similar framework as our Kilobyte™ and Météore™ pedals. While the digital chip sets the”offset”, delayed & wet signal, the dry signal, the initial gain stage, LFO, mix control and recovery stages are entirely analog so the end result sounds rich and fat. I haven’t plugged in any of our early 1980s analog chorus pedals since getting this thing where we want it.

But it does more than just that. While square/triangle wave selector affects both the wave shape and intensity, you can dial up outrageous or subtle stuff with both. The offset control sets the delay time range of the wet signal and heightens the intensity of the effect. The depth control can go 100% wet for vibrato effects, the tone toggle removes some highs and upper harmonics just from the wet side, and the Havoc™ stomp immediately removes the speed control from the equation for a maximum-speed burst whenever you want it.

These limited advance release pedals are already built (!) and will begin shipping on Friday, June 21st, 2019. For those of you who miss out on this, we plan on having a retailer version available sometime in July. Thank you again for supporting our work and allowing us to keep on making cool things for the both of us.