

User manual (PDF)

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The Twentieth Century's Delay of the Future.

The KILOBYTE-2000 might just be the final form of our flagship lo-fi delay pedal, first launched in the original Kilobyte™ pedal in 2013. The Kilobyte stood out as special in a crowded delay market with pristine digital delays, early "delay computer" multi-fx, part-for-part clones, software emulators seeking to recreate the classics, and other designers attempting to use the PT-2399 to impersonate analog delay units.

Instead of trying to clean that chip up or make it super dark to sound "analog", we made it nastier. And the KB-2000 fully realizes the frequency and bandwidth compromised design of our original.

The "invader" repeater preamp pushes the gain on the repeats up to 5x harder than the original, while leaving the dry signal untouched and capable of staying clean when dialed back. A new "sharpness" control allows the user to set the gain range and voicing of the preamp. Tap tempo and trails bypass are on board, a gorgeous but subtle modulation is included, and our beloved "Havoc" runaway hold with its voiced runaway is here, but now with a new control to set the intensity of the effect.

A dedicated effects loop now allows users to put other effects just on the KB2K repeats, or to get a 100% wet output for different uses. We hope you have fun with all of this.


Additional information

Weight 18 oz
Dimensions 2 × 6 × 4 in